Cllr Julie Lewcock


 Contacting Cllr Lewcock :

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About Cllr Lewcock:

I have lived in the Parish for over 30 years and married with one son Arran.

I have worked in Local Government for over 34 years, previously employed by Chester le Street District Council and since 2009 Durham County Council.

During my career in Local Government I spent the majority of my time managing The Riverside Complex and also spent time Managing Ch le St Leisure Centre and Gala Theatre ,alongside many other facilities for short periods of time.

I have had many years experience managing events along with a great detail of project management experience.

One of my personal passions is the management of the environment and biodiversity and again many years experience covering areas such as flood defence, creation of a fish pass, minimising pesticide use and a wide range of wildlife initiatives.

I have been heavily involved in the Green Flag Quality Standard for Open Spaces as well as Northumbria in Bloom for over 20 years.

There is a huge benefit in working hand in hand with our  elected local County Councillors and  together we hope  and plan to meet the needs of the community ,alongside improving the quality of life and local environment.

So I hope that this overview of my working life and skills that I posses will compliment those of the other Councillors within the Parish.