Governance Parish Councils work within a plethora of legislation including such as the Local Government Act 1972.  Successive Governments have introduced many mechanisms in order to encourage consistency and the adoption of good practice. We have a number of policies and reports that are publicly available.  Please click on the link below to view: Annual return: The audit of the Council’s 2018/2019 Annual Return has been completed by the Council’s external auditors – Mazars LLP. The audited 2018/2019 Annual Return can be viewed below:

Accounts – all transactions over £100: 

Acton plan:  The action plan will be monitored quarterly and updated accordingly.

Anti Fraud & Corruption:

Budget:  The council sets the budget for the forthcoming year in November.  The budget is reviewed at full council meeting 4 times per year.

Code of Conduct: The code of conduct relates to the way the Parish Councillor’s should behave when on Council business.


Community Engagement: Waldridge Parish Council are committed to encouraging residents to become more actively involved in their community.

Competition Rules:





Equality and Diversity:


Financial regulations:  The financial regulations govern the conduct of the financial transactions of the Council.  The council is responsible in law for ensuring that its financial management is adequate and effective and that the council has a sound system of internal control which facilitates the effective exercise of the council’s functions, including arrangements for the management of risk.

Freedom of Information: This document lists the information available from the Parish Council, how it may be obtained and any fees that may be payable.

General Data Protection Regulations:

Grants: Waldridge Parish Council reserves each year a sum of money for disbursement of grants to organisations and activities which contribute constructively to the life of the Waldridge Parish.


Hall Letting:

Health and Safety:

Member-Officer Relations:


Press and Media:

Public Participation: In March 2010 we adopted a revised Public Participation Policy which outlines the rules governing how members of the public can engage with their Parish Council.

Risk Assessment:  This is an annual risk assessment that is updated annually each March


Social Media: 

Standing Orders: The Standing orders relate to the procedures the Council follow when conducting  their business.


Parish Council powers Parish Councils have a wide range of powers that they can exercise.  Waldridge Parish Council in 2012 became eligible for the General Power of Competence. Parish Councils (General Power of Competence) (Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012 no 965 was given to local councils in the Localism Act 2011 sections 1 – 8, and came into force April 2012. This is a ‘first resort’ power and it allows Parish Councils to do anything that individuals generally may do as long as the law is not broken.

Annual report: This report is produced annually in June, with all up to date information and achievements over the past year.

Parish Council Assets

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